About me

My name is Mary. I’m a Yoga & Meditation teacher, Reiki Master, Sound therapist, Aromatherapist, Holistic Therapist and Tutor. I’m passionate about nature, travel and a lover of life.

I set up holisticlife in order to help people live a balanced life.  


Nature has been playground, refuge and office for many years, with my background in adventure sports- teaching kayaking, rock climbing, navigation and hillwalking. I have extensive experience in working with groups and facilitation.

My aim is to get people to slow down from the fast pace life we live in – and to not be so hard on themselves!

I teach Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinayasa Yoga, Nada Yoga and Yoga Nidra. I’m not super bendy (it’s all that hillwalking!) and I can’t do lots of postures yet – or ever and that’s ok. Yoga is not about that. This is where I teach yoga from.

I think that there’s a perception out there that you have to be super skinny, flexible, fit, great balance etc,etc, to do yoga.

No! – Being the opposite of all that- is exactly why you should practice! It’s called a practice for a reason – it’s not about the end result. It’s just you and your mat – with no strings attached or expectations.

I see myself as a life long student of Yoga and I am always hungry to learn more. I regularly meditate and love the benefits this practice brings. I teach meditation to both beginners and current practitioners – trouble shooting their practice or revamping it.

I serendipitously found Reiki and loved it – to be honest it really was to my surprise – as I would have been pretty sceptical before hand. It has really benefited me & I’ve seen first hand the difference it can bring to others too. Sound Therapy is something I’ve been interested in for years and I love, love, love it! Music is my glue that holds me together. Sound and vibration is how I view the world.

I offer the following holistic treatments;

Sound Therapy, Reiki,

Reflexology, Oncology Reflexology, Fertility Reflexology, Facial Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology.

Aromatherapy, Thai foot massage, Aroma Foot reflex treatment, Indian Head Massage.

Therapeutic Ear candling, Holistic Sinus Treatment.

Full Body Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Deep tissue Cupping Massage.

I train therapists to be practitioners in the following holistic treatments;

Sound Therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Therapeutic Ear candling, Thai foot massage, Aroma Foot reflex treatment, Indian Head Massage.

Introduction days in Anatomy & Physiology, Introduction to Sound Therapy, Introduction to the Chakras

As a Holistic Therapist and Tutor, I love providing a safe space for people to “Just Be” and to share in their journey to question, to learn, to nourish compassion, kindness and self acceptance. 

I’m based in Dublin and currently running events in Dublin, Meath and Kildare. I’m willing to travel to run 2 day events or more.

If you’d like to practice with me see Events

For an appointment or to stay updated Contact me to join my mailing list!

Helping you live a balanced life

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