
How fit do I need to be to trek to Machu Picchu?

How fit do I need to be to do Machu Picchu? There are many ways to approach Machu Picchu by trek. Earth's Edge have an exciting & challenging itinerary to Machu Picchu via it's sister city Choquequirao. Choquequirao is a stunning hidden that doesn't get any where near the numbers that Machu Picchu experiences. That's what... Continue Reading →

Common misconceptions of meditation – debunked!

For many people the idea of meditation might be a way for them to relax and destress. They're right. The trouble is there are also many ideas around meditation that might prevent people from starting in the first place or to give up because it's another thing that they "can't do" or don't have time for Here are some common meditation misconceptions debunked - it may help you reevaluate your current practice or encourage you to start your meditation practice!

Yoga; The 8 Limbs of Yoga. Samadhi

There are 8 limbs to a full Yoga practice. Each limb is a complete discipline and a life long journey of learning. The 8 limbs are; Yama, Niyama, Ãsana, Prãnayãma, Pratyãhãra, Dhãrana, Dhyãna and Samadhi. In this article we'll look at Samadhi. Samadhi is often translated like Dhãrana as focus or concentration or like Dhyãna as contemplation and... Continue Reading →

Yoga; The 8 Limbs of Yoga. Dhyãna.

There are 8 limbs to a full Yoga practice. Each limb is a complete discipline and a life long journey of learning. The 8 limbs are; Yama, Niyama, Ãsana, Prãnayãma, Pratyãhãra, Dhãrana, Dhyãna and Samadhi. In this article we'll look at Dhyãna. Dhyãna means contemplation, reflection, to see, to look, to show, meditation. In Dhãrana the focus... Continue Reading →

Yoga; The 8 Limbs of Yoga. Dhãrana.

There are 8 limbs to a full Yoga practice. Each limb is a complete discipline and a life long journey of learning. The 8 limbs are; Yama, Niyama, Ãsana, Prãnayãma, Pratyãhãra, Dhãrana, Dhyãna and Samadhi. In this article we'll look at Dhãrana. In Pratyãhãra when the mind is fully withdrawn from external distractions,  you can choose a... Continue Reading →

Yoga; The 8 Limbs of Yoga. Pratyãhãra.

There are 8 limbs to a full Yoga practice. Each limb is a complete discipline and a life long journey of learning. The 8 limbs are; Yama, Niyama, Ãsana, Prãnayãma, Pratyãhãra, Dhãrana, Dhyãna and Samadhi. In this article we'll look at Pratyãhãra. Each limb of Yoga prepares you for the next one. The Pratyãhãra practice helps to settle... Continue Reading →

Yoga; The 8 Limbs of Yoga. Prãnãyãma.

There are 8 limbs to a full Yoga practice. Each limb is a complete discipline and a life long journey of learning. The 8 limbs are; Yama, Niyama, Ãsana, Prãnayãma, Pratyãhãra, Dhãrana, Dhyãna and Samadhi. In this article we'll look at Prãnãyãma. The word Prãnãyãma consists of two parts. Prãna and ãyãma. Ãyama means to stretch or... Continue Reading →

How to ease a stiff back & shoulders from sitting. Part One.

If you maintain a posture regularly, your body will get better at holding this position to support what you do. This means that if you are sitting for your job, your body adapts to this need to sit for long periods. However, this can also lead to soreness and stiffness when you then get up from your desk or get out of the car you've been driving. You might sit again on the way home on public transport or in the car and then you sit to eat and as you relax at home. Your body as a consequence is trapped in the same movement pattern everyday.

Not all superheroes wear capes.

During these difficult times, there is a human cost, an economic cost and many other costs. Within that though there is a light. The compassion of humanity is here. The heart beat of family, friends and community. Not all superheroes 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️ wear capes. Everyone is playing their part to get through this. Our doctors, nurses,... Continue Reading →

St Patrick’s Day

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone. I’ve always been proud to be Irish 🇮🇪 for many reasons. Not least being immensely proud in the way that for every international tragedy we have always given our support, in whatever way we could to help people to find food, shelter, clothes or medication after the tsunami, earthquake or... Continue Reading →

Non-essential items that will make your Kilimanjaro expedition better.

Non-essential items that will make your Kilimanjaro expedition better. So you’ve followed the gear list, you know exactly what you’re going to wear on summit night, you’ve got clothing, hydration & tent systems organised…..  What next?  These are some suggestions - that may get you thinking Insulation for your tube on your hydration system- it... Continue Reading →

What is the difference between Yin Yoga & Restorative Yoga?

Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga are both floor based Yoga practices that use props. If you looked in the window at people doing these practices, they might look very similar. However, the feelings that the person experiencing the practice would be very different. All types of Yoga will have some similarities. Yang Yoga practices (... Continue Reading →

Yoga. Aesthetic v’s Functional alignment.

In order to analyse yoga postures from the perspective of aesthetic versus Functional alignment. I would first like to identify what each means. Aesthetic alignment is based on how a pose looks - in the mirror, to the student or teacher. They are often initiated at the distal areas of the body - for example... Continue Reading →

Commonly taught meditative instructions that may cause difficulties. How a Yin approach could help relieve these conflicts.

Traditional ways that meditation is taught would be classed as a yang approach to meditation. Yang methods direct the meditator to have a particular focus in their meditation and to return to that effort, whenever the mind wanders. 4 commonly taught meditation instructions include; Focusing on the breath - e.g. at the point of entry... Continue Reading →

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