Lifting the lid on Mindfulness….

What I share here is not to convert anyone to anything. They are thoughts from my own experiences of mindfulness- the graceful times when you’ve got your mojo and the days when you fall on your face…. and everything in between.

I’ve done a lot of work in the past 20 years with mindfulness & meditation – mostly by myself, but with some really good training in the mix. Mindfulness has really helped me finally stop wrestling with my mind. It’s given me peace and clarity. I do the internal work every day – it never stops.

I used to think that mindfulness was a goal to achieve- a way to bring happiness into your life. A traumatic experience has taught me otherwise. I won’t go into the details of this experience here, but let’s just say it was a life changing event. The experience itself was not pleasant- however, I was mindful throughout it.

Mindfulness gave me the gift of clarity of thought, objectivity in the moment and shaped my decision making process. Needless to say my ego did not get a look in during the experience – I was in the moment, unworried about what others thought of me and dealing with what was in front of me, the best way I could.

I share this not for your comfort or pity – I’m telling you this because despite the trauma, devastation & shock. I look back at this life event and reflect that I really held my self together. I knew what was happening, as it was happening. I didn’t second guess any actions or decisions I made and I’ve been over the whole thing from every angle since and it wouldn’t have made a difference to the outcome.
I allowed the logical me to do that bit and the emotional me – to just be. I was devastated. I’m still dealing with it and will be for a long time. I’m ok with that and the process that is involved with that.

Mindfulness helped me stay on point, to be acutely aware of situations from multiple angles simultaneously.

My point is – despite the result and the negative experience- I was mindful throughout it. I’m proud of the way I handled the whole situation. Mindfulness gave me the clarity to act with conviction, to give emotional support to others, to hold myself and others together, to keep going. In the aftermath I know my brain was fuzzy & had difficulty concentrating, but I also knew that that it would pass. It’d be ok.

So here’s a long way of saying Mindfulness is a journey not a destination. It gives you perspective. It doesn’t mean that you’re absolved from life’s problems, but when they show up – you have a solid base to work from. It’s a learned skill that needs nourishing. It’s within everyone’s grasp – should they turn their attention to it.

We all have to find our own path to mindfulness and have complete ownership of the process and the experience. If you haven’t started your journey to mindfulness yet – try it. Get on your own path, make your own journey happen.

In the mean time, keep up the good work and for what it’s worth , I think you’re on the right track.

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